The Council on
Responsible Digital Citizenship

The Council on Responsible Digital Citizenship (CRDC) was created in February of 2017 by The Foundation for Modern Youth & Civic Participation (FMYCP). CRDC was officially incorporated on July 4th, 2017 in the State of Illinois, as an NFP. While CRDC continues to act as an independent professional advisory body to FMYCP, it is a separate legal entity which provides insight – and influences the public discourse – on Responsible Digital Citizenship for youth and adults alike.
CRDC calls together leading voices of industry, conducts independent research, and engages the public to explore ideas that will shape our social fabric in cyberspace. The Council is committed to bringing clarity and pioneering solutions to issues related to digital behavior.
CRDC advocates digital intelligence and offers guidance how people should engage each other in their personal, civic and business life in the digital world.
Citizenship is the status of a person recognized under the custom or law as being a legal member of a sovereign state.
Digital Citizenship is the status of a person acknowledged as being an active member of the cyber community. The term "digital citizenship" is often used incorrectly in lieu of Safe Internet or other specific youth-related education or method. In reality, DC includes a great number of elements in the cyber arena, some are youth and safety related some are basic behavior guidelines. DC also includes digital civic engagement, internet related policying, rights of the individual and digital commerce.
Responsible Digital Citizenship refers to a behavior utilizing information technology (IT) in order to constructively engage in society, politics, government and in the community. In qualifying as a responsible digital citizen, a person generally must demonstrate digital intelligence and have extensive skills, knowledge, and experience in responsibly using the Internet through computers, mobile phones, and web-ready devices to interact with private and public organizations groups and other individuals. Responsible Digital Citizenship can be grouped into 13 factors in 4 major identifying groups.

Digital Standards Digital Security

Digital Standards Digital Security

Digital Literacy & Education Digital Media, News & Information

Digital Literacy & Education Digital Media, News & Information

Digital Communication Digital Government Digital Health & Wellness Digital Community Digital Commerce Digital Intelligence

Digital Communication Digital Government Digital Health & Wellness Digital Community Digital Commerce Digital Intelligence

Digital Access Digital Law, Digital Rights, Responsibilities and Accountabilities

Digital Access Digital Law, Digital Rights, Responsibilities and Accountabilities